American Express is one of the most recognized charge card and credit card companies in the world. For many, it is their go to card thanks to the perks the company gives and the level of customer service. If you've had the card for a while now you most likely already have an American Express login. At least, if you've obtained a card in the last decade. However, if you're looking to apply for a card, or if you've had your card since before Internet applications came about, you may have never used (or created) your online account. Whatever the situation, you need to know how to use the American Express login page.
Is There More than One American Express Login Website?
There is only one website for you to login to. Now, there might be different landing pages that send you back to the original American Express page. If you're clicking on a page that is advertising a credit card or is providing you with other American Express information, you will originate on another page and then be directed to the American Express login. In terms of actual logging into your account though, there is only one page.
If you decide to download the American Express app for your mobile device, this is different. The application allows you to log into your account from your mobile phone without going to the website. This is a great way to have instant access to your account information. It also allows you to bypass a web browser completely, giving you an added layer of security.
So, in this instance, there is a second method for reaching your account information. With that said, you won't be able to download the application and log onto your account until you've already created and registered your American Express login. So before you download the application make sure you register and open your online profile.
Is There a Need to Be Registered to Login?
In order to login, you need to be registered. You're not using your AMEX card numbers in order to login; this is a specifically created user name and password designed to log you into your account. If you want to pay your bill online, check your balance, uncover new money-back offers and other perks, you'll need to log onto your account. There are
a number of money and point generating opportunities on your account you need to activate, and the only way you can do this is through the registered online account.
For some higher-tier cards such as the American Express Platinum and Centurion cards, there are additional benefits for access to gatherings, parties, and partner services you must confirm through the website. Without access to your online account you will not be able to fully realize the benefits your card provides. American Express has long been known as one of the best credit card companies when it comes to these perks, which is why you will want to log on using your American Express login.
How to Login on the American Express Website
If you already have an American Express login, the process is straight forward. You navigate over to the American Express website. From this website you can either click the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the website, or you will type in your user ID and password, then select the type of account you're logging in for (such as for a card, reward, business account, or another one of the options). Once you type in the information, you will click "Log In" and you will be directed back to your account.
Create New Account
All of that is easy to follow for logging into your account. However, if you don't have an account and need to create one you will need to follow a different set of instructions. The first step in this is to head over to the American Express website. Once there, on the left side of the screen where you would normally log in, there is the option for "Create New Online Account." Click this option.
You will now be directed to the account creation page. Here you will want to type in your 15-digit card number and the four-digit card ID, which is all found on the front of your card. You will now need to click on the "Confirm" option. This will take you to step 2 of the three-step process.
You now need to set up the account information. This will include some basic account details, including mailing address and other specifics. From there, you will want to create your user name and password. You will also need to create a PIN which might be asked of you when contacting American Express over the phone. You will also be asked to provide your Social Security number; you need to provide this when creating your online account as American Express needs to make sure you are the card holder and someone else is not creating an account for you.
After you have finished everything you will submit the account details to American Express. You will receive an email momentarily that indicates the account has gone active and you can begin using the credit card American Express login.
Logging into Your Account
Now that you have created your online account you can now access all the online benefits. Return to the American Express home page and enter in your user name and password. Once you have finished, American Express will take you to your account page. On the account page you have access to several specifics you're able to take advantage of. You can choose to pay your card balance here. When paying your credit card you're able to either pay off the minimum, the full balance, or you can enter in the amount you would like to pay.
Adding Form of Payment
If this is the first time you're setting up your online account, you will need to add a form of payment first. Chances are, you will want to make the payment from your checking or debit account. When you to go make a payment you will need to select to "Add New Form of Payment."
After you have selected this, you'll be taken to a new screen where you will add in the banking and routing numbers of your checking account. Once you have added this information, you'll also need to identify the bank. Once you have confirmed all the payment information is accurate, you can submit the payment information and American Express will notify you the details are correct.
You can choose to save this information on file, or if you're only making a one-time
payment you can opt to avoid saving the information. It is easier to save the information so you don't constantly have to input everything back into the payment field. However, you are always able to add in additional forms of payment, should you want to make payments or take money from different accounts. That way, whenever you make your payment it will ask you which account you're paying it from.
Signing Up For Rewards
You don't need to have a rewards card to take advantage of the American Express reward's program. All cards qualify for the AMEX rewards services. If you have not yet signed up for this, you need to. It doesn't cost anything and you can use the points for everything from paying off your balance to buying flights and gift cards. Some cards do generate points faster than others, but even the basic cards such as the American Express Student Blue card allow you to generate points.
The enrollment process is easy when you're on the website and have used the American Express login. You need to choose to sign up, enter in your account information, and American Express will automatically sign you up. There are other programs you may wish to sign up for, although these programs vary some based on the kind of American Express card you have. These offers and services can change by the month, so it is a good idea to look at what kind of additional benefits you have access to whenever you use the American Express login to make a new payment on your card.
American Express is one of the most recognized names in American lending and financing. The credit and charge card company has a number of cards, many of which are designed for specific services, ranging from running a small business to helping you generate points for travel purposes.
Whatever it is you're interested in though, to fully take advantage of what American Express offers, you do need to log onto your account. If you're just creating an account or applying for a card, you will need to create an account right out of the gate. If, however, you have had a card for some time and never created an American Express login, now is the time to do just that.
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