In modern times, cards are more commonly used than cash, yet many people do not wish to register for a credit card. American Express offers a useful alternative with their Bluebird card. This card can be used to pay bills and get money from ATMs just like any other American Express card.
It takes a few steps to reach your Bluebird account, but it is extremely useful. From your online account, you can add funds to your card and view your recent purchases. This article will tell you everything you need to know about the Bluebird American Express login procedure.
Bluebird American Express Login Step-by-step Instructions
Once you register your card, you can login to your Bluebird American Express account at any time with these steps.
1. Visit the official Bluebird website at
2. Click the “Log In” link located in the upper righthand corner of the page. It will be near the bright green buttons.
3. Enter your Bluebird username into the field labeled “Username.” This will be the username you selected during the registration process.
4. Type your password into the box labeled “Password.”
5. Put a checkmark in the small box next to the words “Remember my username.” Only do this step if you are using a private computer and want your device to save your login information.
6. Click on the green button that says “Log In.”
Bluebird American Express Mobile Login Step-by-step Instructions
The previous list of steps can be used in a mobile web browser if you want to check your card account while away from your home computer. There are also a few handy apps available that make it even easier to login to your account over a smartphone.
Login Instructions for Apple Users
1. Download and install the app for iPhones by going to at the Apple app store.
2. Open the app by clicking the bluebird shaped icon.
3. Tap the “Username” field and then input your username.
4. Add your password in the second field which is labeled “Password.”
5. Click the green button that says “Log In.” Be careful not to tap on the “Get Started” button that will take you to the registration page of the app.
Login Instructions for Android Users
1. Find the Android version of the app at
2. Download and install the app before tapping the blue icon to open it.
3. Enter the username for your account into the box that says “Username.”
4. Tap the password field and type in your password.
5. Select the green “Log In” button, being careful to avoid the registration button right below it.
Bluebird American Express Login Customer Support
Most issues during the login process can be solved simply by resetting your password or username. Bluebird help center members are standing by to receive phone calls 24/7, and you can also speak to them over social media.
Contact Page:
Phone Number: 1 (877) 486-5990
Address: American Express Customer Relations 02-04-40
4315 S 2700 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84184-0440
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