Do you enjoy shopping at the Gap? Would you like to earn rewards towards shopping at the Gap? If so, the right credit card for you might be the Gap credit card. Many stores have their own credit cards. Typically, a credit card company offers a bonus to stores that offer these kinds of cards, and even when the credit company doesn't, it offers extra incentive to the customer to use the card and then shop at the store. So if you're interested in earning rewards for the Gap, this may be the right card for you. Should you obtain the card, you'll need to know how to use the Gap card login.
What Is a Gap Card?
It is important to not get the Gap card and a Gap gift card confused. A Gap gift card is something you'll purchase and give to somewhere, where they will use it like a debit card at the store. Once the money is used up, it can either be refilled or disposed of. The Gap card is an actual credit card. It works just like other credit cards only there are specific rewards for using the card that are related to the Gap, and you will need to know how to use the Gap card login to manage the account.
Further Details about the Gap Card
The Gap credit is managed by Visa, so you can use the card wherever Visa is accepted (typically, if a store accepts credit cards it will accept Visa). Beyond this, the Gap credit card will come with special bonuses designed to make shopping at the Gap that much more enjoyable. It is important to note that these perks and services may change over time. Always look over the Gap card login website in order to determine what the latest benefits are.
With the card, you will receive 20 percent off of your first purchase using the card plus free shipping at Gap and Gap owned stores, including Old Navy, Banana Republic, Hill City and Athleta. You will receive rewards for shopping at the Gap brand stores. In fact, you will earn five points for every dollar you spend at these stores, either in person or online.
Beyond earning points, you'll also receive an extra 10 percent off every time you shop at the Gap or a Gap Factory store. You'll receive bonus points for certain shopping days, receive a gift on your birthday and you have access to special events the store puts on from time to time.
Beyond shopping at Gap based stores, you'll receive one point for every dollar you spend anywhere else Visa is accepted. Should you apply for the Gap Silver card, you'll receive a 20 percent quarterly bonus of reward points; plus you can choose your own sale day for a special shopping experience.
You'll also have free online shipping on everything you buy, no matter the price. You can buy a pair of underwear for a few dollars and have it shipped for free, if you want to. You will also have access to free basic alterations at Banana Republic and can attend special events for Silver cardmembers.
Is There a Need for Gap Card?
The Gap card is not for everyone. If you don't shop at the Gap, there will be no reason for you to sign up and apply for such a card. It does very little for you and the bonuses will not be of interest of you. The bonuses are incentives to get you to buy more at Gap, so if there is no real incentive you'll have no reason to use this card over other possible credit cards you have.
Beyond this, if you shop at the Gap more than a few times a year than yes, there may be a need for the Gap card. If this is a location where you spend a good amount of money and wish you could save money, then a Gap card is beneficial. If you have children you shop for, or you just like the clothing, the Gap card will help you save money at the store.
Beyond all of this, the Gap card is just another Visa credit card with brand based perks. You'll find a number of companies and stores have identical Visa credit cards that offer perks specific to the brand. You will need to keep all of this in mind when applying for a credit card. The Gap card may be nice, but you might find another credit card for a store you shop at more frequently. Ultimately it comes down to what you're interested in and what kind of store you would like to shop at.
Gap Card Login
If you're looking to apply for the Gap card or you already have the card and you need to pay your card's balance, you will need to know about the Gap card login and how to use the Gap card login page.
Using the Gap Card Login
When you are ready to manage your account, you can head over to the Gap page; although if you do you'll be redirected to the official Gap card login. While the card gives you Gap points, it does not manage the line of credit. Due to this, you'll need to go to the location where your credit is managed.
This is the page. Synchrony Credit is a common credit source for other lines of credit, not just gift cards. You'll want to choose the Gap option to bring up the Gap card login page. It is known as the Gap Cardmember Account Services page.
Under this you'll see a "Log In To Your Account" option. When you signed up for the credit card, you created a login and a password. Often this is your email address, but you may have used another user name. It is important to note that the user name is different from your user ID (unless you typed in the same user ID for both).
Type in the user ID and your password here. You can check off the "Remember User ID" option so you can avoid doing this in the future, although you should only do this if you are using your own computer and not a public computer shared by others who you don't want getting into your account.
Once you click the "Secure Login" option within the Gap card login you'll be taken to your account and have access to all your financial management information.
Forgot ID or Reset Password
If you're unable to remember your User ID or you can't remember the password, there are options for correcting this. Click on the "Forgot User ID" option. This will take you to a new page designed to help you locate your missing ID. You will want to type in the full credit card number here, which is found on the front of your credit card. You can then type in the billing zip code of your credit card. Choose "Find User ID" now and the website will show you what your user ID is.
If you forgot your password, there is another option for this. Click the "Reset Password" option. This will then take you to a different page where you'll need to enter in the email address associated with your account. The Gap card login page will now email you a time sensitive email you'll want to open right away. This email will only be active for a few hours, so don't do this if you don't want to create a new password. If you let the link expire, you'll need to repeat the process.
Click on the link within the email. You'll be taken to a new page. From here you'll want to type in your new password and then re-type in the password again. Do keep in mind you cannot type in the same password you had previously or a password you've used at some point in the past on the Gap card login. Once you have confirmed this information, your new password will be set and you'll be able to log into the account.
If you are interested in saving more money every single time you shop at the Gap, all while building rewards so you can shop even more at the Gap, the Gap card may be the perfect card for you. This card will give you rewards for shopping not only at the Gap but also at any other location Visa is accepted. This way, you'll earn points and generate rewards for shopping at the Gap. With the additional perks, this card may be perfect for you. Should you decide this card is right for you all you need to do is head out to the Gap card login page and apply.
Featured Image via Unsplash
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